Personalized, integrative medicine utilizing science and evidence-centered information for optimal health and well-being

Ora Family Medicine offers membership-based care. Patients pay a monthly fee for personalized care and a close relationship with their primary doctor. I prioritize the doctor-patient relationship ensuring that your health care decisions are made in collaboration with me rather than influenced by external parties. I am passionate about empowering people to find and achieve their best health and with that, live their best lives. 


Untimed, unlimited visits

Convenient access to me via text, email, phone

Same day/next day appointments

Ease of prescription refills

Same doctor every visit

Virtual, in-clinic, and home visits

Untimed, unlimited visits

See your doctor as often and for as long as you need. Visits focus on whole body wellness with an emphasis on your health goals through lifestyle adjustments, and medication when needed.

Same day/next day appointments

Receive prompt medical attention and timely care for your health concerns.

Convenient access to your doctor via text, email and phone 

Quick and convenient access to medical advice and assistance for any health-related queries or concerns.

Ease of prescription refills

Ensure timely access to your medication without delays or interruptions.

Virtual, in-clinic, and home visits

Choosing a doctor who offers clinic, virtual, and home visit appointments gives you the flexibility to receive personalized care that fits your schedule and needs, ensuring accessibility and continuity of care across different settings.

Same doctor every visit

Build a strong doctor-patient relationship, leading to personalized care, better continuity, and improved health outcomes.

“I decided to open my own medical practice because I have become increasingly saddened by and frustrated with our traditional health care system. Health insurance doesn’t pay for truly preventative care, discussions about your optimal well being and exploring the decisions and changes that will help you feel better.”

— Dr Brie Romines.


  • Annual physicals

  • Acute sick visits

  • Medical weight loss

  • Mental health management

  • Preventative visits/Health goals

  • Sports physicals

  • Women’s Health:

    reproductive and sexual health: cancer screening, pre-pregnancy wellness, postnatal recovery, perimenopause and menopause hormone balancing and replacement

  • Men’s Health

    sexual and prostate health, cancer screening, hormone therapy and age-related wellness care

  • Teen visits

  • Gender affirming care

  • Pre-operative clearance

  • Chronic condition management

In-Office Procedures Covered By Membership:

  • Pap smear **

  • Ear wax removal

  • Abscess incision and drainage

  • Wound care

  • Small laceration repair

  • Toenail clipping (for elderly or mobility-limited folks)

  • Toenail removal

  • Wart removal

  • Skin biopsies

    ** The pap procedure is covered, the pap lab fee will be determined by the laboratory to which the specimen is sent. The lab fee is not marked up by me. 

Common Chronic Conditions Treated:

  • Diabetes

  • Hypertension

  • Obesity and visceral fat reduction

  • Asthma

  • Allergies

  • Eczema

  • Acne


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Free Introductory Session.